What is the difference between family therapy and involving family members in individual therapy? #psycleconsultancy #serikembangan #clinicalpsychologists #psychotherapy #individualtherapy #familyt...
Let\'s tune in~
原来政府卫生部医院和政府大学医院是有区别的。 来听听Dr @a9n3s 解释政府大学医院转介和心理评估的流程 #psycleconsultancy #serikembangan #心理咨询师 #儿童心理评估 #心理健康 #解答家长们的疑问
The third episode of PsycleCAT\'s podcast will be featuring Dr Shawn and Dr Agnes, whereby they\'ll be talking about the different psychotherapy modalities and what to consider before deciding whethe...
The third episode of PsycleCAT\'s podcast will be featuring Dr @shawnlee_mclinpsych.phd and Dr @agneschong8483 whereby they\'ll be talking about the different psychotherapy modalities and what to con...
Meet Dr. Agnes, one of PsycleCAT’s associate clinical psychologists
@shawnlee_mclinpsych.phd\'s introductory training on CBT for pain management for physiotherapists #psycleconsultancy #painmanagement #cbt #nonpharmacologicalapproach
@shawnlee_mclinpsych.phd\'s introductory training on CBT for pain management #psycleconsultancy #painmanagement #cbt #nonpharmacologicalapproach
@shawnlee_mclinpsych.phd\'s introductory training on CBT for pain management #psycleconsultancy #painmanagement #cbt #nonpharmacologicalapproach
什么是心理评估? #psyclecat #serikembangan #儿童心理健康 #儿童心理评估 #心理咨询师