Individuals living with chronic pain need to consult a properly trained pain specialist to minimize harm from inappropriate treatment, and maximize treatment benefits.
Even when psychological interventions can be helpful, clinical psychologists who are not trained in pain management should NOT be providing services to chronic pain patients. In addition, clinical psychologists trained in pain management HAVE TO work with a properly trained pain specialist when managing chronic pain patients.
To patients, if your pain specialist refers you to a clinical psychologist, they are trying to help you manage your pain better with psychological techniques. It doesn't mean that your pain is not real.
To doctors, refer chronic pain patients only to clinical psychologists trained in pain management. Pain management requires specialized training and is not covered in the basic clinical psychology program.
To clinical psychologists, make sure that you are managing your chronic pain patients along side a pain specialist. You are NOT supposed to see pain patients without the support of a pain specialist.
Psycle Consultancy in collaboration with Dr. Khoo Eng Lea 邱勇予
#painmanagement #psycleconsultancy #clinicalpsychology #ethics