家长们,今晚的直播将在八点开始,如果你们对孩子有任何疑问,可以在直播时直接与我们互动。 大家敬请收听哦! We\'ll be going live at 8pm tonight, feel free to ask us anything during our live talk!
面对政府与私立机构心理评估的选择,很多家长都感到困惑与纠结。那么,哪种选择更适合孩子的发展呢?在本期节目中,我们将为您揭秘政府与私立机构心理评估的关键差异,帮助您做出最适合孩子的决策,为他们的未来奠定坚实的基础。点击收听,解答您的疑惑! #心理评估 #孩子成长 #家长困惑
Free in-person consultation 免费线下咨询 Psycle Consultancy is open for free 25 minutes in-person consultations on Saturdays from 9am to 12pm. Submit your details via the following QR code to secure a sl...
面对政府与私立机构心理评估的选择,很多家长都感到困惑与纠结。那么,哪种选择更适合孩子的发展呢?在本期节目中,我们将为您揭秘政府与私立机构心理评估的关键差异,帮助您做出最适合孩子的决策,为他们的未来奠定坚实的基础。点击收听,解答您的疑惑! #心理评估 #孩子成长 #家长困惑
Continuation from the first part of the live video
The need to connect with others is an innate human desire. As such, social anxiety can be seen as a condition that limits a person from being human. Join us on a discussion regarding the fear of so...
Psycle CAT Podcast Date: 18 Dec 2024 Venue: Live on Facebook Time: 8pm - 9pm Title: Episode 1: Don\'t let social anxiety stop you from connecting with others The need to connect with others is an i...
Psycle CAT Podcast Date: 18 Dec 2024 Venue: Live on Facebook Time: 8pm - 9pm Title: Episode 1: Don\'t let social anxiety stop you from connecting with others The need to connect with others is an i...
Feel free to forward our details to anyone who may need it
有关疼痛和催眠的一期内容。有兴趣的朋友可以到以下的连接观看: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/E9mhVYpaq8fbn2AM/