Not all clinical psychologists are the same.
To practice as a clinical psychologist in Malaysia will require at least a 2-year accredited master degree in clinical psychology. However, that is merely the minimum requirement. How well a clinical psychologist can perform and what can the person offer can’t be determined by the possession of a master’s degree alone.
Similarly, having 10 years of experience does not necessarily mean the person is an expert. Domain expertise and specialty require dedicated effort to accumulate and cultivate. At Psycle CAT, we aim to develop expert-level mental health practitioners to serve specific areas in the field of mental health. We don’t just see clients, we develop the field.
Members of Psycle CAT have to identify an area that they are willing to dedicate their life to advance. We are not claiming to be an expert. Rather, we are declaring our unwavering devotion to grow the field throughout our career, hopefully to be recognized as an expert one day. After all, an expert’s status has to be endorsed, not self-proclaimed.
Wai Sim is a rare gem in the field of mental health who is proficient in using sign language. She has begun to develop her expertise in providing therapy to the deaf community. The Psycle team is eager to ensure her success in the field and would do our best to support her growth, no matter how she decides to build her career.